Adorable baby under blanket in bed, closeup

Designing a home that is kid-friendly is a challenge that many parents face. Children are curious and active, which means that they can easily get hurt if the space is not designed with their safety in mind. However, it is possible to create a home that is both stylish and safe for kids. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to design a kid-friendly home.

Cute small toddler girl indoors in bedroom playing.

1. Choose Durable and Easy-to-Clean Materials

When designing a kid-friendly home, it is important to choose materials that are durable and easy to clean. This is because children tend to spill things, draw on walls, and cause other accidents that can damage furniture and surfaces. Choose materials like leather, microfiber, and stain-resistant fabrics for furniture. For flooring, consider hardwood, laminate, or tile that can be cleaned easily.

2. Create a Play Area

Designate a play area in your home where your kids can play safely. It could be a corner of the living room or a separate room altogether. Make sure that the play area is well-lit, ventilated, and free of any hazards. Install soft flooring, like foam mats or carpets, to cushion falls. Provide ample storage for toys and games, so that the play area can be kept tidy.

kid playing in tent

3. Use Childproofing Devices

Childproofing devices are essential for a kid-friendly home. Install safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs to prevent falls. Cover electrical outlets with safety covers to prevent shocks. Use door knob covers to keep kids from opening doors to rooms that are off-limits. Use cabinet locks to keep kids from accessing dangerous items like cleaning supplies and sharp objects.

4. Optimize Storage

Storage is important in a kid-friendly home. Make sure that there is ample storage for toys, clothes, and other items. Use child-friendly storage solutions like low shelves and bins that are easy for kids to access. Consider using built-in storage solutions like cubbies and drawers to maximize space.

Two kids playing with yellow and orange toys in the white kitchen

5. Create a Kid-Friendly Kitchen

The kitchen can be a dangerous place for kids, but you can make it kid-friendly with some simple design changes. Store sharp objects like knives and scissors in a locked drawer or high cabinet. Store cleaning supplies in a locked cabinet. Use non-slip mats in front of the sink and stove to prevent slips and falls. Consider installing a lower sink and countertop so that kids can help with cooking and cleaning.

6. Use Soft Furnishings

Soft furnishings like cushions, pillows, and throws are not only comfortable, but they can also add color and texture to a room. Use soft furnishings to create a cozy and inviting space for your kids to relax and play. Choose materials that are easy to clean and durable, like washable cotton or microfiber. More brands are also creating stain-proof furniture.

7. Create a Safe Outdoor Space

If you have outdoor space, create a safe and fun area for your kids to play. Install a fence around the perimeter to keep kids from wandering off. Use soft surfaces like grass or rubber mulch to cushion falls. Install age-appropriate equipment like swings, slides, and climbing structures. Make sure that the area is well-lit and free of hazards like sharp objects and poisonous plants.


Designing a kid-friendly home requires careful planning and attention to detail, but it is worth the effort. By creating a safe and inviting space for your kids, you can foster their creativity and imagination while giving them a place to call home.

Parents playing with children, throwing toy airplanes while camping in the backyard
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